Friday, April 1, 2011

Cave Kreo

Kreo Cave is a cave that is believed to be the ruins of Sunan Kalijaga when looking for teak wood to build the Great Mosque of Demak. As legend has it that Sunan Kalijaga met with a flock of monkeys who then told to keep the teak wood. The word "Kreo" comes from the word meaning Mangreho guard or a guard. The word is then made ​​this cave called the Cave Kreo and since then herd monkeys that inhabit the area is regarded as a watchman.

Besides enjoying the beautiful natural scenery and the cool air and joked with the ape keepers this area, visitors can also enjoy a cold river and fresh at the bottom of this tourist area is located didukuh ini.Obyek Talunkacang, Kandri Kelurahan, Kecamatan Gunung Pati approximately 8 Km from Tugu Muda, opened to the public at 08.00 s / d 18.00 WIB. Each ceremony is held on the 3rd Syawal Rewanda offerings.

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